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Square has a good relationship with everybody, and that is part of the problem. They are not particularly loyal to any console manufacturer, and they play that position all the way to the bank. They force the manufacturers to compete for their games. Meanwhile positioning themselves so that nobody gets a distinct advantage.

They are balancing on a tight rope as long as they stay dead center they will reap serious rewards thanks to their position. The exclusive games are a hot commodity that everyone is fronting big cash for. However if Square tips the development too far to any side and gives any one manufacturer a serious advantage even for a short period of time they will not be able to return to that position.

Suppose square develops four or five exclusive RPGs for the PS3, and one for the 360 and one for the Wii. Well the status quo is shattered. Have no illusions it is a race and a competitive one at that. You let the other competitors fall too far behind, and they will abandon the race looking for alternative solutions. Microsoft and Nintendo will just go out and buy exclusives elsewhere, or build their own infrastructure. Leaving square at the mercy of one manufacturer who no longer has to shell out.

They are playing a dangerous game, but a smart game. They keep themselves the premier developer that gets extraordinary consideration. Further more while they are contested between the manufacturers. Those manufacturers have to dedicate resources to obtaining their games rather then making games of their own or striking up exclusivity with other third party developers.

At the end of the day its all politics, and in such an environment strange deals and strange bedfellows are common place. Square has the manufacturers right where they want them. They aren't going to screw that up by playing favorites or courting tradition.

You have to move beyond brand loyalty. Square sure as hell has if getting the most money for their work means they have to placate everybody and play all sides off against each other. Yeah they are going to do that. Yes your probably going to see platforms you don't own get things that you think should be predestined for your own.

What I am saying is that the property would most likely be up for grabs, but getting it probably will have a steep price. The only real question is who will pay for it. Who will go out on a limb and sacrifice a new property to get their hands on a old one. What do you think the manufacturers positions will be on the title if square decides to make it.

Honestly its far too early to say where any next game in any series is going to go.