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DieAppleDie said:
The problem is that 99% of those gamers dont even know those games exist

for ex
a friend of mine thats a PC PS3 gamer came to my house and saw me play the Conduit and hes words were
"i didnt know games like these were available on the Wii, its pretty cool"

i think most people is talking ignorantly

I think you're missing the amount of effort developers put into a number of the games you listed. Take the Call of Duty games for instance, often they were made late, sometimes skipped altogether or in the case of CoD3 were horribly buggy and laggy. Others had poorly implemented controls or were spin offs of mainstream titles released on the HD consoles/PC (e.g. Dead Space).

Even in your example of Conduit, the game was average for a FPS this gen with horrible difficulty spikes, made by a fairly inexperienced developer who took a chance with an attempt at a core title. If you look at the amount of investment developers and publishers have actually put into the Wii it pales in comparison to the investment on the HD consoles and on PC. It also pales in comparison to the effort developers put into PS2 last gen where it got virtually every third-party game and for many the lead platform was PS2.