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MB1025 said:
Why are people surprised that sales are low in October? No one buys anything a month before the Christmas stuff starts to hit the stores.

For videogames? What's your source on this? Because if memory serves in years past October has been just dandy.

hunter_alien said:
kowenicki said:

It's over for Vita. It will never get a proper foothold now.

Yes... its biggest month, thus far is the next one, its still selling at relkease price, yet the god that is you, knows the best Nice trolling m8.

Like Karl Rove, I also believe Fox News called Ohio far too soon.

pezus said:

Didn't Just Dance 4 come out in October? Not as if the previous few years have been much different in terms of releases

Yeah. And Mario Party 9 came out earlier. That's two big sellers. Which is fewer than in the previous few years.

pezus said:
Kynes said:
Who's going to make the "So the Vita is pretty much over, what did you think" thread? ~35K in USA, ~30K in Japan in October.

It's not over till the fat lady sings!