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Kasz216 said:
gergroy said:
Kasz216 said:
gergroy said:
badgenome said:
gergroy said:
Well, on the bright side, Jim Matheson did win his house race agains Mia Love. That was the whole reason I voted, I feel like I accomplished something!

Why? I didn't really follow the race too closely, but I was pretty jazzed to see a politician who cited Bastiat as an influence. Was surprised Love lost given all the buzz around her.

Well, Jim Matheson has always been one of those politicians that doesnt dance around the tough issues and has done a good job of representing utah.  He is one of the few politicians in washington that pushes for bipartisan agreements.  Mia Love was positioning herself as a far right tea party kind of candidate.  Saying stuff like she wanted get rid of the department of education which as a teacher automatically put her on my crap list.  She also ran a pretty dirty campaign that focused on a misrepresentation of jim mathesons views.

Mia Love did have a lot of hype going in, and she could have had the potential to be a republican superstar, but I dont think she would do a better job then Jim Matheson.  If she wants to run for a different office in the future, I might give her another shot, but Jim Matheson was the better candidate.

Why does getting rid of the department of education bug you as a teacher?   As far as i can tell they do nothing but get in teachers way.  Cutting it and sending money directly to the states seems like it'd be a lot less of a hassle.

It may be different in other states, but here in utah all the stupid education decisions come from the state.  If they gave the money back to the state, utah would probably do something dumb like cut out special education to save money.  The teachers are very weak in this state and would lose out if the money was sent back.

How strange.  Espeically since Utah is one of the top states in the country when it comes to Education.

Where di you hear we were one of the top states?  We generally perform middle of the pack when it comes to education and the only reason we do that well is because we have a bit of a cultural advantage.  Utah generally is among the bottom three states on spending per student, but the mormon church is headquarted here and they put a huge emphasis on educatio which is probably the main reason we perform as well as we do.

here are some things the state has tried to do over the last couple of years here in utah.

1. Cut sex education for students comepletely from schools, Instead of teaching the students sex ed, they wanted to have night classes to teach parents sex ed. (If they didnt know sex ed how did they become parents?). Thankfully that one got vetoed by the governor.

2. They wanted to comepletely cut out the 12th grade to save money.  The reason? Because some students dont take their 12th grade year seriously.

3. The schools had been fighting for money for new textbooks for years, but the legislature waited until the schools had to cut funding to some programsto buy textbboks before they ok'd the money.  However, it was stipulated to only be used on textbooks, and since the schools had just bought textbooks, it all got sent back.  A dirty political move that let appear to pay for new textbooks, but in reality they didnt.  

Our state government does crap like that all the time.  Just stupid stuff.  Federal involvement is very minimal.  They just have some minor guidelines for curriculum and special education so kids can kind of learn the same things all over the country.  If the federal government didnt have them, the states would have them anyway, so i dont see any reason to send the money back to the states.  If anything, the federal government is more hands off with it than the state government would be.