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Ok, I've been playing ACIII: Liberations for the last week. Really liking the game but have a few nagging questions for anyone else who is/has been playing it.

1. What is up with the light sensitivity thing? Uncharted:GA had a very similar mechanic, and they are both just as finicky about what is a proper light source. I don't know if it's my house, but none of the ceiling lights in my house seem to be strong enough to get the images to appear properly. I even went outside to stare at the sun and still nothing. Is there some kind of trick to this(that they obviously did not explain at all in the tutorials)? I usually just have to let it unlock after the game gets tired of waiting for me to find a light source (which isn't fair because some of these missions are time sensitive). Help please!

2. Still have yet to get the hang of countering in this game. I see the Yellow and Red triangles above enemies head, yet not sure what they are indicating as far as proper button timing.

3. Anyone else having issues with finding treasure chests that are seemingly unreachable? There is one in particular that says its in this one spot, no high levels that it could be hiding on just short houses, but there is a bunch of debri and boxes stacked EXACTLY where it says it should be. Is this a bug or is the crap removed in later chapters or something?

4.What the hell is the Diamond symbols for? I find them only to see a town cryer looking goon standing in that very spot. I kill him, pickpocket him, push him, Eagle Vision Scan him. It has yet to tell me anything about these supposed diamonds.

The tutorials are not thorough on teaching you how to use just about anything, neither is the manual for that matter. The explanations show up on screen for like a second and I'm like "What the hell did that just tell me to do?!"

On a positive note, i generally like the flow of this game a lot better than ACII. I felt ACII was just filled with massive filler, with the only interesting piece of story saved for the very end. Love the whip, reminds me a lot of Batman:AC's Batclaw manuevers lol. Also digging the Trade system. Feels like real world economics where you have to spend money to make money. Loving the versatility allotted by switching persona. They should of had one where she hides in a barrel lol




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)