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Mr Khan said:
Max King of the Wild said:
Boeing announces lay offs the day after the election...

Dow Jones drops 300 points, too.

I wonder if its investors deliberately shorting the market to try and make Democrats look bad, or if some investors have it so firmly fixed in their mind that Democrats are shite for business (which doesn't really bear out over the last century. Wilson was good times, FDR saw consistent improvement over his run, Truman was kinda bad, Kennedy and Johnson were at the height of American economic dominance, Carter was during stagflation (but that started under Nixon), and Clinton with the roaring 90s.

Your mistake here... which i'm surpised considering it's you... is relying too much on party affiliation.

Actually Kennedy was AWFUL for the stock market and econonomy... and according to his own administration actually hurt US GDP because he went after the steal market in a way that's hard to not describe as illegal.   He was basically holding the stock market back.

As can be seen by his assassnation.   Prices didn't drop.  They didn't even slow down... they actually accellerated because Johnson was seen as a "Pro buisness" guy.

Which he turned out to be... Johnson would be considered  conservative economically today.   Sure he put in a lot of social welfare programs... but he cut taxes by 20%.... and it led to an increase in revenue.


Outside that... it's more just about Obama.  I've been watching financial news stuff for months... even the people supporting Obama more or less agree that Obama is seen as specifically bad for the economy based on the radical shift in his economic policies.


They see his tax increase as a huge problem,  don't think he'll tackle corporate tax issues like Romney promised to,  don't think he'll tackle the fiscal cliff because he was the one who blew up the "Grand Bargain" (Most people blame republicans... but if you read the Woodward book, like a lot of buisness leaders have, you see it was mostly Obama's fault.) and they don't think he will tackle the deficit in any meaningful way.  They seem him as obstructionist when it comes to cheap energy, and that he'll go out of his way to block Natural Gas rather then help it.  (Also oil, but this is more important because Nat gas stays in north america, meaning much cheaper energy prices for US buisnesses.

On the plus side though, they think he'll keep the free money flowing by keeping Bernake and healthcare and insurance companies don't have to worry about losing future profits due to Obamacare being removed.