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Kasz216 said:
Mr Khan said:

"Kill the Department of Energy" and "Kill the EPA" are not calls for complete deregulation?

Although this could be a case where their rhetoric makes their intent sound more severe than what they would actually do, but if its convincing voters that such is their intent, then the result is the same.

I literally did not here either of those things during the campaign... or anybody remotely talking about those things.   If I didn't... i'm guessing the average person hasn't either.

A quick look at Romney's campaign site which is still up talks about how he would stop Obama's underminding of the Department of Energy and get them back to their basic research goals and reason for existing.

So, he clearly didn't want to kill it.

And looking at the EPA it looked like people were trying to block who he would appoint as EPA head... which shows he planned to keep that around as well.


So again... I think this is less an issue of what republicans are saying, but what you interpret republicans as saying based on your political position.

I was thinking of Rick Perry at that point.

Fair enough.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.