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Mr Khan said:

See my latter reply to haxxiy. While i personally abhor their economic policies, i still think the Republicans are honestly going too far for what a lot of Americans want. Some of their proposals are common-sense, mainstream stuff, like flattening the tax code while shutting down loopholes, while other things are stuff the average American doesn't want, like complete deregulation or the gutting of social programs.

I think you'd be surprised on some of that stuff.  A  LOT of people are bitter about unions.  As union membership drops, so does support for them.  Essentially only those who benefit from them tend to support them.

As for complete deregulation and gutting of social programs... i'd say those are more your views on their polices then their actual policies.


Additionally... americans don't want any touching of social programs.  They also don't want anything to fund them.  On social programs... people just want a free lunch.  It's a valuable short term plank i guess... but long term it's just dangerous.  There isn't any responsible position on Social Programs other tehn an unpopular one.

It's actually sad because had we invested surpluses instead of put the money in worthless accounting tricks like government IOUs... we'd likely still have tons of money to pay for these things with some pretty good profits.