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kingofwale said:

Yes, if you own a Wii, this isn't the thread for you, so please restrain from participating.


The purpose of this is for PS3/PS2/Xbox/Xbox360 owner's view on Wiifit, and hopefully untainted by fanboyism. I know how Wii owners feel about Wiifit, I just need the view from others WITHOUT having flames thrown at them for expressing themselves.


As for me, I really don't know why the big hypes. I can understand the hypes of SSBB, MK and I can see myself playing those and enjoying those deeply, but I have absolutely no interest in Wiifit. To me, it's not a game and if I want to pick up yoga, I'd go do just that. I buy console for games, not workout video.


What do you think? 

So all and only PS3/PS2/Xbox/Xbox360 owners are objective and not fanboys and ALL Wii owners will attack you for your opinion?

The only way to get valid criticism is to hear all sides, not just those who will agree with you.

Any way OT:  Honestly I don't think Wii Fit is targeted toward the vast majority of the user here on VG chartz.  Its goal is to attract more of the casual market, something families can do together.  I don't think many guy's dorm rooms will be full of balance boards at release.

I, as a Wii owner, haven't decided whether to get this or not, but if I do, it would be more for my girlfriend than myself. 

As to your Yoga comment, the same could be said about Guitar Hero, or Rock Band, or ANY game that emulates real life activities (every sports game,) so you would kind of need to discount all of those to discount the 'Yoga' aspect of the game.  You not caring about doing yoga at home is a different story though (as I don't really care baout it either, but as I said, my g/f probably would)

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