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noname2200 said:
the2real4mafol said:
Despite Obama's win i wish they did the clean sweep and got the house alongside the senate, that would of been awesome. But does it matter? Which is more important for the democrats to have, the house or the senate?

Both, I think; sufficient obstructionism in either is enough to derail, or at least heavily stall, any program.

Who said that Republicans need a house majority to be obstructionist? Check out the record number of Filibusters used by Republicans when the Democrats are in power. They didn't want to pass policy. They wanted to stall the process to use as ammunition against the Democrats.

Now that Obama is on his last term, he has nothing to lose. Republicans on the other hand get reviewed in 2014, so they have the choice of sticking with the lunatic Tea Party, or looking to be bipartisan. It will be interesting to see what they decide to do to prevent them from losing the house in 2 years.