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Player1x3 said:
curl-6 said:
Player1x3 said:
curl-6 said:
Player1x3 said:

Resistance Fall of Man looked better than any 6th gen game and it was a launch PS3 title. Tell me more about how Wii U has a game that looks better than all 7th gen games.

Tell me more about your obsolete circa-1997 controller. ;)


The PS3 and 360 primarily run on dual analogue controllers almost identical in design to the original PS1 dualshock released in 1997.

Even IF the Wii U isn't that much more powerful than the PS3/360, I'll take 7th gen graphics with an 8th gen controller over 7th gen graphics with a 5th gen controller.

Wait, hold on a second. What do controllers have to do with the price of green tea in southwestern part of Indonesia ??? I think you're going off topic here a bit

The point is that you seem to be implying the Wii U isn't next gen because it's not a clear graphical leap, (yet) but graphics are no longer the defining factor in what generation a console belongs to.