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zuvuyeay said:

so do the states up in the north east ever vote repbublican like new hampshire,maine,massachusetts,vermont etc or are they always and ever will be democratic states

The close races we've had in the past four elections are actually kind of unusual. It seems in the past, landslide victories for a single candidate were pretty common. Democrats winning southern and midwestern states, republicans winning northeastern states.




In 1976, the Democrat won Texas while the Republican won California!


Our political map has almost completely reversed in just 36 years. I wouldn't be suprised if it looked much different next election -- it depends on the candidates. If the Dems put forward a nice white southern boy like Bill Clinton, they can carry those southern states. But that probably won't happen. If the Republicans nominate someone who is actually moderate, they could probably carry those states from Minnesota to Pennsylvania, and maybe some of the farther north states. Of course, assuming neither of the candidates completely blows the other away.

Older election results --

1972 (this was the year Nixon was so insecure about his chances of victory that... well, look up the Watergate Scandal):



