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I think those numbers are a bit misleading, imo, but yeah, the Wii's library has enough really good games to keep me really happy.

It's just my tastes really. A lot of the games on PS3 and 360 are kinda shootertype games, that they share between consoles, they don't tend to have as much diversity, but there are a few games that I like on those systems:

A. Eternal Sonata(360 soon to PS3) GREAT jrpg
B. Mass Effect
C. Gears of War
D. Uncharted
F. Bioshock
G. Orange Box

There are definately some other good ones, like sports games, but that runs the gammot of the games I'm willing to play without getting redundant. That's the issue with so many FPS, its redundance. CoD 4, for instance, great game, wouldn't play it, lol. I'm not huge into multiplayer though, like I said, this post is just my tastes. For the Wii I like:

A. Twilight Princess
B. Mario Galaxy
C. Zack and Wiki
D. No More Heroes
E. Metroid Prime 3
F. Super Paper Mario
G. Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition

I played RE4 on my cube, but that game is better with the Wii remote. However, if you wanted me to leave multiplats off, I would have to leave off my 360/PS3 list alltogether, lol. :(

I'm not saying the Wii library is better or even equal to the other next gen consoles.

I'm just saying, that in my tastes, the Wii has been a funner system this gen, because of all the games I've enjoyed on it, as I think they are some of the best games ever made.

The games on the HD systems that I really thought competed on top tier games on the Wii(zelda/mario) is Eternal Sonata for the Xbox 360, and Portal for the 360. Those are really great games, imo.

I don't say that because I own a Wii.

I own a Wii because I believe that.

So yeah, true believer right here, lol.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.