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drkohler said:
Kasz216 said:
GameOver22 said:
drkohler said:
Soleron said:
The polls say Obama.

Malstrom says Romney.

So... Romney?

Apparently, Romney. The first rigged voting machine was discovered in Pa..

Not sure about rigged. This has actually been reported to happen in past elections as wel.

It's just a calibration screen error.

I see them all the time at my work on Slot machines.


His story is BS.  The guy claims he goes into "troubeshoot mode" which is impossible without a control key... as if you could go into calibration mode without one, pretty much any jackass with any knowledge could go in and fuck up voting booths to screw with the candidates they disliked.   Republicans and democrats would get programmers in neighberhoods that were majority against them to go in and fuck up voting booths.

You'll note he doesn't actually show him doing anything he says... because he made it up.

Ahh. .a Republican..

Read the link. Watch youtube. Read the link again, this was real.

Uh, I did... and note that he shows no proof of anything he said in his link... because well it was just a calibration issue.

He doesn't show it working for Stein.   He doesn't show the "troubleshoot mode."

It's a blantant fake. 


I mean, how many voting booths do you think would be fucked up if anyone with a begginers knowledge in the software could just enter administrator modes at will?

Additionally, if it was rigged to turn votes to romney... why would it show this on screen?


Why wouldn't it say you voted for Obama on the screen... then secretly cast your vote for Romney.


That would make a lot more sense now wouldn't it?