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haxxiy said:
GameOver22 said:
haxxiy said:
I just ran a scenario where it ends 269:269 with Obama taking the midwest, Colorado and New Mexico and Romney taking most of the rest. Highly unlikely, but it would be fun. How the elections are decided if that was to be the case?

House chooses the president; Senate chooses the vice-president.

Mmm. Do they have to appoint among the pre-estabilished candidates according to the post they ran for? In theory could they, err... apoint Obama as vice? 

I'm almost certain they have to choose among the pre-established candidates for each post. Top three vote receivers for president are consider for president while the top two vice-presidential vote getters are considered for vice-presidency. Obviously, a bit of redundancy given that president and vice-president run on same ticket, but that wasn't the tradition prior to the 12th amendment.