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Damn it, can't resist. Just too juicy. I'll just pick one then. I don't know if you're doing a report for an essay or what.


1. The Existence of the DNA CODE

"a. All languages, codes, protocols and encoding / decoding mechanisms that we know the origin of come from a mind - there are no known exceptions

b. DNA is a language, a code, a protocol, and an encoding / decoding mechanism

c. Therefore DNA came from a mind.


Well, the argument is kind of circular. Say (b) is true. Then the DNA language could be an exception to (a), which obviously invalidates ( c).


No naturally occuring molcule possesses the properties of information. Nature does not produce any kind of code, encoding/decoding mechanism or symbolic relationships at all; everything in nature represents only itself.

DNA, on the other hand, represents a complete plan for a living organism. DNA is an encoding / decoding mechanism that contains code, or language, representing the organism.

DNA is not merely a molecule with a pattern; it is a code, a language, and an information storage mechanism."

The book Information Theory, Evolution and the Origin of Life is written by Hubert Yockey, the foremost living specialist in bioinformatics. The publisher is Cambridge University press. Yockey rigorously demonstrates that the coding process in DNA is identical to the coding process and mathematical definitions used in Electrical Engineering. This is not subjective, it is not debatable or even controversial. It is a brute fact:

“Information, transcription, translation, code, redundancy, synonymous, messenger, editing, and proofreading are all appropriate terms in biology. They take their meaning from information theory (Shannon, 1948) and are not synonyms, metaphors, or analogies.” (Hubert P. Yockey, Information Theory, Evolution, and the Origin of Life, Cambridge University Press, 2005)

All this is basically a footnote saying that DNA is a language. We live in the 21st century. This should be common knowledge to most os us.



the Wii is an epidemic.