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@O_o In fact,is very hard to find a "true atheism" the most of people believes in whatever they like,to be a real a atheist you must not believe in ANYTHING that could create,rule or manage you,many things don´t believe in God but believe in "destiny" they don't are atheists because they believe that something "superior" to them guides their lives,just denie God's existence by any means or only by instinct doesn't prove anything to all of you that don't believe in God,you got to have better arguments to prove the non-existence of God because is more easy to accept and prove the existence of something superior to all of us than just ignore the facts,just quoting and say that "God is fake" just for your comfort of not search the truth about everything in Universe is silly,it's like I tell the people that the moon is made of cheese,even with all the present and already know facts about this sentence,I can refuge myself quoting that "I have never gone to the moon and just say what I think,because I just don't have to believe what others people or evidences tell me".Nothing is more hard to beat than a closed mind,well;except God ,he/she/it is superior to everything ;)