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ishiki said:
zarx said:

As the creator of the hype thread who had the game pre-ordered from day one I can safely say


There are sections of the game that are just bad, features promised by devs were missing, the UI was crap, the game is buggy, side quests are horrible for the most part, and the story was disappointing. I still like the game but it isn't GOTY material.

Sleeping Dogs is a better candidate.

I thought you liked xcom more?

I don't have xcom yet :(. Sleeping Dogs was great. though.

I don't think either will win game of the year though at most places.

I love XCOM and everything it stands for, I say everyone should buy it. But it is a broken mess technicaly and some null headed design decisions such as the way enemies spawn and the precreated maps destroyes replay value. sadly I can't endorse it as a game of the year, not without a major patch, also the final mission sucks balls. I want to like XCOM more tho and I really wish it was GOTY meterial, but just like DS2 it is a flawed gem that the luster wears off after the final hurdle has been jumped.


Sleeping Dogs has it's flaws but the game is all round more solid. Lets face it Halo 4, Borderlands 2 and AC3 will take most awards and those that want to be edgy will give it to Journey, The Walking Dead, or Dishonoured.

EDIT: Just to be clear I am premoting Sleeping Dogs as a dark horse candidate 

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