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Dolla Dolla said:

So, although the title suggests that I want to talk about Shadow of the Colossus (when do I ever not), this is an open topic to discuss ANY game you think deserves an HD remake.

Shadow of the Colossus was ahead of its time. The PS2, arguably, wasn't powerful enough to chugg out this gorgeous and massive game with a high and consistent framerate. This may have hindered the experience for some, but of course I loved every minute of this game, and would absolutely kill for a HD remake.

In case you don't know, not all the Colossi made it in the final cut. I believe they removed about 3 or 4 of them, but I'm not sure. If they were to remake SotC, I would want them to update the textures, make it run smoother, and include the other Colossi that didn't make it in the original. I'd pay a C note easy to get my hands on this on the PS3.

What other games do you think deserve an HD remake?

Yes, you can still say FFVII, although it's been run into the ground ...

 From the moment i first played it I thought, "This shouldve been on ps3."

I'd also like to see MGS3 hd remake. The textures kicked @ss for a ps2 game but i'd like to see it with more recent technological advances such as normal mapping.

Also, 8bit Metal Gears would be badass in 3d HD!!!

Metalcore, Hardcore, Punk, Emo, Rock.