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Wow! 77 comments and I have only been gone for a day :P. I just picked up Assassin's Creed III: Liberations last night and been playing it ever since. My impressions...

-Graphics are very good for handheld, the faces look stiff but so do the ones on console for that matter. Regardless, its not really a problem with the game being a good distance away from staring in character faces. I haven't experienced any framerate issues or tearing, possibly because I did the update before starting the game.

-Traversing the top of buildings feels.....faster than it was in ACII(the last one I played). That was one of my biggest peeves with the game, he moved like a sloth. Climbing is a breeze with just holding the R1 button and watching her propel herself to the top.

-Liking the Outfit mechanic. Haven't mastered it just yet, I have issue with getting rid of notoriety. Confused about if the Assassin's outfit is perma in yellow?

-The story is very slowly unraveling. A few random missions without explanation to why you are even doing it (except the save slaves missions). I think I feel what they were going for. They wanted to throw players right into the gameplay, so they skipped the beginning explanations and you just have to pick up the motivations via context clues and her mother's diary pages. I am just starting, but I have a feeling the Diary pages are the key to how the whole thing got started.

-Liking the mission structure. Missions are short and sweet. They force your hand in the first few on which outfit you can wear, but then immediately give you one where you can choose. Depending on which one you select, it completely changes the approach you take for the assassination. Also very fond of the extra assignments attached to certain missions. For instance there is one that says kill "this guy" as the main objective, yet to 100% sync the scenario you have to kill the leader with the musket.

-Really liking Aveline. Don't really know too much about her but I like how confident and refined she is. She is very fem-fatale. She quickly transitions from being seductive, to intimidating, to incognito. I fear she might be a tad sociopathic lol.

-So far so good on touch controls. Nothing has felt clunky as of yet. Being able to tap the map and the icons for quick set ups is very nice. Did the "tearing envelope" one and I think its pretty creative to do so, not too much of a hassel at all (as apposed to U:GA's machete meets bamboo touch stuff which I grew to hated). Weapon wheel is definitely the best thing since sliced bread. Really efficient.

So far the verdict is this is a really good game. I can't make a full call till I finish the main story but I am falling for Aveline. I was so bored with Ezio's character, and truely missed Altair. Aveline feels so refreshing. I haven't picked up ACIII yet so I cannot compare to that.




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)