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VGKing said:
I voted Square Enix. They insisted on releasing a sequel to a badly received game and now they are releasing yet another one. Square Enix doesn't care about their fans in the slightest. American or Japanese.
Plus how Versus XIII has been delayed(or cancelled?) and Type-0 not making it to America or Europe.

They've had a lot of succesful games... FFXIII wasn't badly recieved either it was mixed.

Plus They Released the games that have been sucessful critically and commercially in the past 2 years.
Deus Ex (while changing many things because of what fans said), Sleeping Dogs (adding many things listening to fans), Kingdom Hearts Games, Dissidia, Chaos Rings 2 and others.

With some new ones coming/came out. Bravely Default, Hitman.

Type-0 was because of PSP (which there just arent' that many people that are fans of PSP). Now should they bring it over.
But again sony has Last Guardian. And they didn't bring over Demon Soul's. Do they not care about their fans either?

Now you can go blahbliblah blah there japan part has doing bad. But that's not square-enix as a whole.