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shanbcn said:
sales2099 said:
looks like it wont be too much longer until ps3 officialy passes 360 in shipments.

Well Nov-dec MS usually widens the gap so could take longer then you think.

No MS doesnt widen the gap usually, it did just last year and it turned out to be overshipping. I dont think retailers will again buy that many 360 especially without price cut. Because of that MS had to ship less and less in each quarter since that. Now tha gap is between 700k and 1 million, i expect this gap to stay the same in last quarter. But PS3 should overtake 360 next year.

360's holiday increase is greatly exaggerated here. its a myth. like you said yourself, it was only last year. in 2009 sony shipped more and in  2010 they shipped the same amount even with the new 360S and launch of kinect. so 360 ships more than ps3 for one holiday somehow means it will outsell ps3 every holiday!

Its exaggerated because VGC overtracked the 360 in 2010 and 2009. Thats why people say MS usually widens the gap... because initially that is what it looks like. But after we get shipment reports a couple months later it shows that wasn't the case and VGC adjusts the sales down.