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riderz13371 said:
green_sky said:
That is a beautiful list of games. Yes that includes MW2.

If they removed three things from MW2...Grenade launchers, One Man Army and Commando. It would be an amazing game. A true sequel to CoD 4. I don't even mind the new killstreaks...Just those 3 things. They give me nightmares at night. Soon as you start a match all you hear is noobtubes going off.

I agree but i think we already went over that. Most of the core team got fired or left. They didn't get to balance the game that well. If you think about how many patches Black Ops 1 took to be functional. You will see my point. They could test those games extensively but they would always miss something. I do go back and play it from time to time. Just to keep it as a challenge. Trying to compete with never ending danger close noobtubes and killstreaks that numb the brain. Still can't negate how much value it offered and how good it looked for a game running at double the framerate of most games. 

Also had some of the best trailers ever including music from Hans Zimmer. 


Medal of Honour and Battlefield people are still trying to match the single player of MW1 and 2. IMO.