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Pavolink said:
Aldro said:


Hello there!

It appears AC3 will indeed be under 90 meta. (Its 83 based on just 4 now, will change ofcourse but 90 is looking very grim). Ofcourse we have 1 month to wait before we can be 100% sure.

Just halo 4 down to go! Its either a tie, or I win. (most likely)

Mwehehehe >:D

Guess I'm doomed.

(._. )

Well .. H4 could get like 92-93 but the reason I doubt this is because this year is just waiting to pour out 10's to a game lol. Unless Hitman Absolution is a major hit (I dont expect it to be insanely good, but good probably yeah) then its just a no brainer that Halo 4 will be touted as GOTY and recieve A LOT of perfect scores. I think ive found like 2-3 maybe 4 for AC3 thus far. Its just not breaking that 90 mark. Too many 7 and 8s also.


I got every game in the AC franchise and the developers are good.. but they just.. aren't as good as AC3 previews made it look.


I still love the franchise and the game, the score doesnt mean shit to me but I just found it funny that so many actually thought itd recieve insane praise. Now some are telling me that Halo 4 wont be able to get 94+ , but quite honestly, the game almost feels like Uncharted 2 did in 2009 in terms of the calibre of what we have seen. Its a big leap and theres a bunch of money behind to support that. The game WILL be insanely good and the year is despite many great titles, still in need of that one very praised game. Mass Effect 3 being the closest and that game didnt go too well with the fans due to that ending.


Gz Halo 4, the spot light is all yours.