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Pavolink said:
Aldro said:
Pavolink said:
I'm expecting 91 and ACIII as the GOTY with a 94.

Wanna bet?

I say AC3 will have under 90 Meta, 1 month after its launch.

I say Halo 4 will have over 93 Meta, 1 month after its launch.


Am I correct in 1 and wrong in 1, we call it a tie.


Winner gets Sig control until 1st February 2012 ?

Ok. It's a deal.

Hello there!

It appears AC3 will indeed be under 90 meta. (Its 83 based on just 4 now, will change ofcourse but 90 is looking very grim). Ofcourse we have 1 month to wait before we can be 100% sure.

Just halo 4 down to go! Its either a tie, or I win. (most likely)

Mwehehehe >:D