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*sigh* Hey genius I took those 15 million sales numbers from VGCHARTS December 2005 sales charts. I EXPLICITLY said that in that exact post and I also EXPLICITLY said those were the most recent numbers through my research I could find. Now this touches up on the homework aspect. Obviously their were more current numbers on here that If I had done a bit more indepth research, I would've found. But what did I say about homework for the sake of arguing? I'm not into it. But again you must've missed that point being that you wanted to point out how sloppy based on your presumption that my model was. Which for the sake of ending the arguemnet I'll agree with. Yes I didn't get the most current exact numbers, based on my oversite. But where those numbers come from and the method used were stated clearly in that post. Again READING AND COMPREHENSION.

You're absolutely right, you did say 2005 and I missed it. How the HELL did you get that number without running across the correct numbers by searching here on VGChartz? I'm honestly curious. Anyway, you obviously don't mind spending 20 minutes on a huge post so I am surprised you won't spend 5 minutes on enough research to stop you from being wrong on every point you make.

You have not said one thing that is not addressed by my earlier objection:
: : The second thing your point ignores is that it is a well-known fact that games on less-successful systems have sales that are higher in proportion to userbase. This is because the more-successful systems (PS1, PS2, Wii) are the "big tent" system that draws in all (or most) kinds of gamers while the less-successful systems have to fall back on their core constituencies. If there are 5 types of games being made for 5 types of gamers on 5 million systems, they are going to have lower attach rates (say 20%) than 2 types of games made for 2 types or gamers on 2 million systems (say 50%). This is why few are predicting (5.91/21.51=27.5) 41 million Galaxy sales even if the Wii reaches 150 million.

If you think my argument is flawed or my premises or conclusion mistaken (or if you ARE predicting 41 million sales for Galaxy) then I welcome your rebuttal.

Yes, you admit your mistakes, and I applaud you for that. But when you IMMEDIATELY turn around and throw out more grossly mistaken numbers it makes me think with good reason that you are throwing shit against the wall to see what sticks, especially when your repeated excuse is "well I can't be bothered to spend actual time on the numbers." And if your excuse is completely honest and genuine then again I direct you to my earlier posts:
Well, if you can't be bothered to spend two seconds on actual numbers on A FORUM FOR SALES DISCUSSIONS, why even bother?
If you are completely ignorant on a subject, why are you making predictions about that subject, especially when they are wildly in contrast with the predictions of those who are NOT ignorant?

So you admit to implying that I'm as childish as a middle-schooler would be expected to be, while taking offense to my post where I said you said I was probably in middle school? Who's the nitpicker now? Anyway, I thought it was pretty obvious that my "paraphrase" was exaggeration to highlight your obsession with people's reading comprehension. Since I need to spell it out for you: I exaggerated slightly for comedic effect. I'm sorry if you don't appreciate my brief attempt at levity.
[edit3: never mind this, we're close enough to reconciliation here that I want to drop it.]

I will copy/paste this response into a msg for you per your request.

[edit: Just for the record, I used "spell it out for you" before I saw your edit ... ]

[edit2: I am completely mystified by your objection to my use of copy/paste to the material I refer to in easy viewing of my response to it. That's the way point-by-point responses usually work. If you just have an objection to the space it takes up, I would note that I was the one to delete older history out of our exchanges. And yes, I fact-checked myself on that just now, because it's important to be RIGHT when something comes out of your mouth. Even when you're on the Internet and it's a keyboard.]

Tag (courtesy of fkusumot): "Please feel free -- nay, I encourage you -- to offer rebuttal."
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My advice to fanboys: Brag about stuff that's true, not about stuff that's false. Predict stuff that's likely, not stuff that's unlikely. You will be happier, and we will be happier.

"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts." - Sen. Pat Moynihan
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The old smileys: ; - ) : - ) : - ( : - P : - D : - # ( c ) ( k ) ( y ) If anyone knows the shortcut for , let me know!
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I have the most epic death scene ever in VGChartz Mafia.  Thanks WordsofWisdom!