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Funny how in first part you say we should thank God making everything but stil thank our parents/society on for quality and the tools of our lives, and then in the second part you blame God for some people having shitty ives. I thought parents and society was responsible for that and God was only there to make his existance possible??? So why blame God when someone has a bad life, but you say we should thank parents and society when we have a good one? lol

The first part of your post is completly correct. God was here to make everything possible, create (or design, guide, whatever) fabric of existance (within our world) and give you life. Everything what happens after conception, is human's responsibility. We have full controll and free will over this world, and if humans create circumstances under which this individual has a bad life ( become a prostitiue, be poor or starving) is entirely the fault of humanity and its society. There's more than enough money and food in this world, to feed and educate every person, but the human society is like that, so that only certain people get those benifits. Again, humans, not God. We have the power to stop prostitiution, crime and poverty, but we choose not to. Its us and our soceity that makes the quality of our lives not God. And im pretty damn sure that even those poor, sick, starving prostitiutes would rather be alive than dead, so they have to thank God for that (most of them at least).

For a guy that doesnt believe in God, you sure spen A LOT of time thinking about him and trying to find reasons why he is wrong or doesnt exist. It screams insecurity for me, but if you really wanna play philisophers, try to look at things little more objectivly, instead of just looking for stuff that would support your belief.