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The VC

I had been sick and in the infrimarary for the last 3 days(they had wireless so I was on here alot) and there were 4 other guys in my room. Well, to make this story short when you are cooped up in a room for 3 day you find things to discuss. I brought up videogames. 2 of them were nuetral to videogames, one said he loves games but likes action packed FPS games(he is a 360 guy) and the other said he did not play games much, but when he did he would play his PC.

So anyways, I told the two nuetral guys about the VC and exlained how it worked and both of there eye lit up, and when I mentioned that OoT was on it he said he is getting a Wii, and the others said he was going to get one also... The VC was the killer app with these two. They said they would probably get SSBB, SMG, and MKWii also, but the VC is what pushed them over the edge.

The other two were intrigued by this, and the guy who was into FPS games was intrigue when I started explaining the possibities of how a FPS could work with the WiiMote. He said he was definitily going to look into it and probably because of its price would not be a big deal to pick one up.

I found this whole thing interesting because it kinda showed my in a small sample why the Wii is spreading like wildfire. It has so many things that some may not care but others will buy the console for it, but then those people will want a Wii for the reason that the others could not care less about. The HDconsoles have like 2 things going for them... GRAPHICS!!!! and mediafunctionality (most people own a PC anyways)


psn- tokila

add me, the more the merrier.