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Clinton has way too much baggage. I am not worried about experience - hell, look at Bush. I know for a fact unless the GOP nominates Ann Coulter and Karl Rove as VP, there's no way it can be a more horrible duo than the Bush-Cheney drama.

I think Obama would bolster the areas where he's weakest at with strong advisers. I am most concerned about voting for the person - Obama or Clinton - who would bring troops home soonest. Someone who will sit down and have a honest talk with our enemies and seek diplomacy, not frontier justice.

Obama brings hope - you know what you are getting with Clinton. While I voted for him twice, Clinton has a problem admitting she's wrong. Sorry, but that's not gonna cut.

An Obama-Clinton ticket would be ok - but an Obama-Edwards ticket would be sweet. I think Edwards is really about change, and would step right into the role of president if called upon. Hillary would clash with Obama's style.