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Gary Johnson still believes NDAA gives authority to the president to detain US citizens without trial. This has been debunked by fact checkers for quite some time, and I have read the actual legislation. It explicitly states that the intent is not to usurp existing laws. Dude's a moron.

As to Obama's supermajority. This 2-year myth has been debunked as well. Regardless, he was able to pass obamacare during this time despite 70% of americans disapproval. He could have spent this time actually helping us, instead of proposing a new tax.

GM bailed out only to have them open a plant in China.
Obama touted an administration of transparency and now we have the Libya fiasco.

Obama is a man of what he says, and what he does. Most would agree with what he says, most would disagree with what he does. Sorry, but this guy isn't falling for anymore BS. Wake the hell up.