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richardhutnik said:
gergroy said:
I have been undecided mostly because i dislike all the choices. However, I have decided I am going to be one of those people that votes against somebody instead of for them. So i have decided to vote for Mitt Romney.

My reasons mostly stem from the early portion of Obamas term when he had a super majority in congress. The economy was in the tank and instead of working on that, he pushed for healthcare that ultimately ends up being a large tax on small businesses. He also didnt bother with bipartisan efforts during this time either.

Basically, I dont like how obama handled his term, and im not a fan of Romney, but I think it I would rather see somebody else get a chance then another term of Obama.

A little caveat here, I live in Utah so my vote doesnt actually matter. Utah will go for romney by over 70%...

You do realize Obama had a super majority in congress less than 90 days, right?

I am aware that he had only about 5 months in the senate, yes.  two years in the house though.  During those 5 months, what did Obama do?  Affordable care act, one of the worst bills that could have possibly been signed in the middle of a recession.  Followed up the next year with Dodd-Frank (which while good intentioned, was poorly written and ended up hurting way more than helping).  

Like I said, I really did not like the way Obama handled the time when he had the supermajority.