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Xplay and Sarcastic Gamer (using Xplay has source) have stated the top 5 selling games for the PS3

Should the VGC press corps send them an official VGchartz letter claiming their numbers are wrong??

I'm sure you guys have access to hard data to disapprove their claims (company shipment reports and stuff??). 

oh btw this is what they claim...

Top 5 selling PS3 games

#5 Assassins Creed
#4 Uncharted
#3 Devil May Cry 4
#2 Call of Duty 4
#1 Warhawk  - "The crazy part is, that it’s number one, without including the online sales! Impressive." - Sarcastic gamer

Please tell me the VGC press corps will respond to this!! It could be a good opportunity for VGchartz

Edit: crap forgot to put link.. one second

Edit #2 -  Now let me find Xplay...


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