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ethomaz said:

Michael-5 said:

Wait......Are you using Q2 fiscal or Q2 actual figures? Sony's fiscal Q2 is July - September, where a true Q2 is April - June. Meaning Sony's Q2 is actually Q3. I dunno when Nintendo's fiscal year is, I think it starts a month earlier (ending in February where Sony ends in March and MS ends in like June or something)

IF this is the case, you can't compare that info directly.

Also what do you believe PS2's shiped figures are for Q2?

I always talk about fiscal year...

Sony and Nintendo = April 1st to March 31st
Microsoft = July 1st to June 30th

These Nintendo numbers are Q2 FY2012 Nintendo... Sony is to release the Q2 FY2012 numbers in early November.

You can compare directly because Sony and Nintedo uses the same Fiscal Year... just for Microsot I compare differents quartes (eg. Sony/Nintendo Q2 with Microsoft Q1).

I'm sure Sony shipped more than 600k PS2 in Q2... wait november... three quarters in a row PS2 is outshelling DS.

Well, if Nintendo is selling a larger % of what it ships, does it matter if PS2 is outshipping the DS? I mean in Q1 (Jan-March), PS2 only shipped 600k. How many units did DS sell? DS is at what 1.9 million sold this year. If I assume PS2 shipped 75% as well as it did last year (which I think is a high estimate), that would put PS2 shipments at 2.7m for Jan-Sept (which includes the hard 600k Sony gave for Q1). If I assume it's doing 50% as well (which is very possible based off FYQ4 or Q1 figures), this put PS2 at 1.9 million shipped, or what DS has sold so far.

I think you're an excellent debater, and you have definatly shed some light on this for me, but I think it's still too early to be definintive that the DS won't surpass the PS2.

However it is possible that it won't, although I believe it will. I think for any debate on VGC this is a good conclusion.

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