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I watched Limitless last night. A good action thriller with some nice twists and an interesting (although nonsense) premise. It kept me entertained.

Today I watched Moonrise kingdom. Wow what a great movie.

I didn't do any research before buying the movie, just the title and a short description were enough. First thing I thought when it started was, this must be by the director of the Royal Tennenbaums. Turned out to be right.
It also reminded me a bit of Mifune.

I love the Wes Anderson seems to give a big middle finger to 3D. Most of the movie conists of 90 degree angle shots with the lighting manipulated to make it as 2D as possible. Almost like a 2D side scroller. Beautifully done.

The pacing is perfect, as is the delivery of the story. Great movie that makes you feel all warm inside. This is my favorite of the year now. These kind of discoveries are the reason why I continue to watch movies.