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I understand him and I even think I agree with him (I haven't put that much thought into the details of abortion issues in recent years). It's a difficult case.

It obviously starts with the issue on how much value you put on a human embryo versus the value of a woman's will, integrity and well-being. I put quite a lot of value into the human embryo and its right to live.

God probably didn't intend that rape to happen, but we also know that God probably did not intend to let that human embryo to be aborted.

Sometimes we just have to deal with a difficult situation in life that can seem very perverse and impossible. Unwanted pregnancy is that kind of situation.

We have become so used to that we can control everything in life, but we can't. So obviously, to go back to the times when all abortion was prohibited it would need time for people to get used to it.

Some people are born extremely handicapped which can cause bizarre situations and difficult moral decisions. Like some cases of Siamese twins where you have to separate them knowing that one of them will die. But it happens and we have to deal with it.

And I am sure some women deny their rape pregnancy long enough to cross the line where a legal abortion is possible, and they end up giving birth to that unwanted child. And it works out somehow. The child is probably adopted and the woman lives on, her life goes on.We just never hear about these cases.