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ChronotriggerJM said:
4D Gamer III said:
ChronotriggerJM said:
4D Gamer III said:
What a dated franchise. It worries me to see Sony digging so deep in its archives to try and come up with worthwhile game to add to its PS3 library. Eitherway this holds more promise than Warhawk did, which was a mediocre half assed PS game and a fairly novel PS3 remake.

But there's no reason they shouldn't make it.

Thats awesome =D, someone brings up the Twisted Metal series comming to PS3, MANY people praise the fact and accept it as a great series to have brought up, and you consider it a panic attempt >_>; I'm not sure why you think it wouldn't be high time for this game to show up considering the new emphasis on Online gameplay, same goes for Warhawk, a game seemingly designed for online and or party play. How is this digging deep?

The ones excited about it are Sony fans. But I'm not a Sony fan, so clearly my perspective isn't going to be the same. All I offered was an opinion and an observation. If that bothers you, then perhaps this website isn't the place for you.


 You would be in a Sony topic right? An annoucement was made, and the fans appreciate. Do you want more people in your Brawl forums telling you how much Brawl sucks? Generally we refer to these people as Trolls, or Pie Shitters lol. I mean honestly your statement was pretty far off of being remotely contructive. I'm glad you have your opinion of the titles, but I still fail to see how more games = Sony's desparate -_-

It was on the front page and I read it, simple as that. There is no arguing Twisted Metal got stale and faded off, but I never said it "sucked" or that this new version would suck. You're just over-reacting and exageration to force your plight of Sony victimization on me.

Not only is my modest response to the topic turned into an attack on the game, but Nintendo is brought into the discussion automatically as your defense. You're just too paranoid that anything that isn't blind praise is automatically defamation of Sony and clearly Nintendo stands in stark contrast as the opposition of choice to bring up in any discussion resulting there of.

I suspect desperation on Sony's part because of this huge resurgance in first party games, something they didn't need to bother with last generation when the PS2 had more than enough third party support to go around. This of course is only a theory so why you feel it such a threat is beyond me.

I never attacked the topic or anyone else in it. It was you and others like you upset that someone tried to interject the high fiving with something other than blind support.

Twisted Metal and Smash Brothers have nothing what-so-ever incommon so stop trying to compare them as if you have any ground to cry troll.

The Ghost of RubangB said:
1: Stop making shooters. Please. You're not Valve or Free Radical.
2: Stop trying to force photo-realism down my throat until you can get out of the uncanny valley. Work on style and presentation instead of just pixels and bloom.
3: Try something weird and new, and hope we like it.

You'll cut costs way more than you cut revenue, and thus increase profit.