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Played_Out said:
4D Gamer III said:
What a dated franchise. It worries me to see Sony digging so deep in its archives to try and come up with worthwhile game to add to its PS3 library. Eitherway this holds more promise than Warhawk did, which was a mediocre half assed PS game and a fairly novel PS3 remake.

But there's no reason they shouldn't make it.

I just hope you said the same thing to all the Smash Brothers fans.

Except Smash Brothers has been a consistant thriving franchise, its never fallen, never declined. Twisted Metal made a big splash and after peaking with a couple sequels droped off, unable towards the end of the 5th generation and the beginning of the 6th to compete as a worthwhile game. Its biggest problem of course as with many non-Nintendo franchises is lack of innovation or change. After a while playing one Twisted Metal meant you had (to a certain degree) played them all. Sure there were differences, sure there was improvements, but don't kid yourself Smash Brothers is the same speed bump in Video Gaming history that Twisted Metal was.

Twisted Metal was a franchise that only ever thrived at a single point in time, outside of those conditions, it went the way of every other franchise that couldn't compete in a market where being a 3D game with a novel premise wasn't good enough.

Squall_Leonhart said:

You should say the same thing about all the in-house Nintendo games too then, they are nothing but re-hashed old games!

Except Nintendo manages to somehow keep them fresh with a fair consistancy using innovation and reworking the formula. Since Sony fanboys are of the opinion all Nintendo games are exactly the same to begin with, I'm not sure you're in any position to make such claims. Either way it seems you're just lashing out against Nintendo fans to vent your frustration of why you can't understand why Nintendo franchises keep going but for any other franchise its a festival of speculation and doubt.

The Difference here is, Nintendo franchises withstand the test of time for what ever the reason.

Games like Twisted Metal, Spyro, Crash Bandikoot, Tomb Raider all became stale never really living up to what they were in the fifth generation. Sure Nintendo franchises stumble every now and then, but there's no arguing their consistancy in quality is something you can't find in mostmost other franchises.

I look forward to the day when we see the Sony fanboys start getting excited about a Tomba remake for the PS3. Twisted Metal is a dated franchise whose appeal was linked largely to being one of the first mature racers, a game which thrived in the atmosphere excitement that came with Gamers' jump into the 3D world of gaming. I'm sure Sony can make a worthwhile game of it just like they did with Warhawk, just stop trying to use Nintendo as an excuse to believe that anyone can just as easily ressurect the dead.

The Ghost of RubangB said:
1: Stop making shooters. Please. You're not Valve or Free Radical.
2: Stop trying to force photo-realism down my throat until you can get out of the uncanny valley. Work on style and presentation instead of just pixels and bloom.
3: Try something weird and new, and hope we like it.

You'll cut costs way more than you cut revenue, and thus increase profit.