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FunKrusher said:

I'll answer you as well because you seem to have trouble reading and comprehending as well.

For one I love how you go five posts back and pull up things that I myself admit to not having concrete actuals on. But we'll deal directly with that.

To answer your first question. No you don't get the 10k because there was no irrational fanboyism in any of those post. Again I'll challenge you to find in any of those post where I said that any of those games sucked, or where better than the others based purely on bias or the system they were on? Or take it one further and find where the gist of what I was saying is clearly way off the mark because of an obvious vendetta or personal dislike for ANY of those games?

I'll save you some time because I didn't. Dealing with what I did do in my post after admitting my mistakes was, I took the numbers that were provided to me on a point that I wasn't even trying to argue (which I clearly said numerous times) and basically came up with cold hard numbers as to which Franchise was selling better to it's user base. I'm not trying to school anyone, but I do wish the reading and comprehensive levels matched the self assuredness of you people coming out of the woodwork to shoot down baseless assumptions.

So no there was no irrational fanboyism. Was there ignorance in terms of the actual numbers? Sure I'll give you that. But you'll have to excuse me if for the sake of arguing on a message board, in some what of a light discusion topic, if searching for actual numbers, compiling and crunching them escape me. I graduated college years ago. I'm not into homework anymore. My bad, I have numerous hobbies and doing homework for the sake of arguing isn't one of them.

But I'll admit when I first started listing numbers they weren't based on actuals. That is why I used words like roughly and phrases like: I'm not exactly sure. My guess is you were so primed to call me an idiot that you might have missed those?

Let's just jump to point #3 since I've pretty much addressed 1 and 2. So you alone can determine that a prediction is good or bad? Wow I didn't know that your personal opinion and prefrential judgement carried that much wait over what you yourself admitted was MY PREDICTION. That's like me telling you you're stupid and wrong for thinking the sky is light blue, instead of regular blue. Would I be right or wrong to tell you what you think about what you see or think? Come on unless you're in primary school, you should be able to see where I'm going with that. But on second thought since I seem to need to spell out things for you comprehensively challenged people I will. Different strokes for different folks, meaning we all think and have our own opinions on different things based on our personal experience.

But I'll apologize again for not living in your version of reality, where my personal thoughts are parallel to your presonal thoughts and predictions, deeming them lies, stupid, and ignorant. My bad, again.

For point #4 see the above paragraph.

For your final point you touch up on the install base for a game earlier in a systems life cycle vs. install base at the end of the systems life cycle and it's relations for initial games sold and finite total games sold. You also ask me why I'm arguing this point? Once again I guess in your quest to go back a couple pages to one of my initial post. You missed the part where hello217 responded to my claim of thinking that Halo has a more casual user base than GT.

Now if you had read any of the post after the one you so strategically tried to rip apart, all which are on this ver page. You'll see that I covered many of those things you're talking about before you typed them.

But I'll give you a brief synopsis since you obviously missed it. I took the numbers that were given to me (which I presume to be correct as they were provided by the person who was telling me I was wrong) and did the precentage of what GT had sold on Ps2 on avg. to date and also the total franchise. In relaltion to what Halo had sold on avg. to date on the xbox and also the franchise avg. for Halo 1&2 also on xbox (since we can't compare GT5 to Halo3 yet to be fair)

I came up with a the percentage of how many people on the respective systems purchased the game and used that number to illuminate the fact that Halo has a higher rate of ownership than GT. To which led to the conclusion that if we're going to say a franchise based purely on numbers (which once again were provided for me by the person starting the arguement with me) that Halos % numbers are higher than GT and that's being on a system with far less of an install base.

Now you tried to slightly snake this in reference to my older post which you responded to by saying Halo is front loaded and blah, blah, blah, yada, yada, yada. A sale, is a sale, is a sale, is a sale. I'm not going to say or argue anything more than that.

So in closing you don't seem to have a grasp on reading and comprehending either. Instead of being quick to throw around secondary lunchroom buzzwords like, ignorance lies, stupid, or try and label someone a fanboy. Maybe you should've scrolled down and read more?

And in the end I find it comical how you go back 5 post and try to make a point that was

1. rendered totally irrelevant because I myself admit my numbers were based purely on blind speculation.

2. even if they were wrong were based on speculation as in not actuals or a bid saying THIS IS WHAT WILL HAPPEN. or THIS IS A FACT (I felt the need to re-enforce the speculation bit because you seem to need it spelled out for you).

3. Use that over sight on my part as way to try and label me a fanboy

4. Totally discount my speculation (as in not an actuality or fact just an uneducated gues) based on your obvious superior knowledge of analyzation and predictions. Which hold far more weight than mine, which is why your trying to school me on the internet in a forum, when I had not one thing to say or gripe to pick with you.

In short I do have a good grasp of what I was doing which was (once again I'll space it out for you):


So no you sir or ma'am do not get the 10k. And I hope I've answered all your questions to the best possible way that you wanted to see them answered. I'll apologize if I didn't being that I don't live in that world where my thoughts speculations run parallel with yours and all. But again, I hope this gives you some clarification.

First, I'd like to note that I wouldn't even be riding you so hard if you didn't combine your ignorant speculation with heaping amounts of condescension and spend half your posts talking about what an idiot the other guy is.

I never said that you outright said one system was inherently better, but in these parts of the intarweb when people use junk math to project 140 million PS3s lifetime sales they're fanboys. Or 14 million.

You aren't "safe" from people calling your bullshit if you last ten hours before someone finds it. I gave you what credit you deserve for accepting the correct numbers when people pointed out that they were wrong. But "if searching for actual numbers, compiling and crunching them escape me" then you must be A COMPLETE FUCKING MORON because the "searching" can be done on the front page of this very site in two seconds. Five if your connection is slow.

"But I'll admit when I first started listing numbers they weren't based on actuals. That is why I used words like roughly and phrases like: I'm not exactly sure." Well, if you can't be bothered to spend two seconds on actual numbers on A FORUM FOR SALES DISCUSSIONS, why even bother? It's as if I were to go on a forum about cars and -- knowing barely enough to change the oil -- start calling everyone a moron because MY ignorant opinions based on outdated or just wrong facts are obviously correct because I went to COLLEGE. You didn't seem too 'unsure' when berating others. Quite the opposite in fact.

When you make a prediction that console sales will drop by half, and past examples say that it should rise or stay steady, and all the predictions of KNOWLEDGEABLE people are that it will rise, and you give NO NUMBERS (and clearly have no numbers) to support your prediction, then I think it's fair to say that your prediction is indeed stupid. If you'd bothered to give some evidence (wrong, no doubt) in support, I'd at least give you a tiny amount of respect for not completely pulling numbers out of your ass. But you didn't. So I didn't.

I like how you completely dodge all aspects of my argument here, either with "long time ago so I can ignore being wrong" or "I'll just totally ignore the second half of your point" or "LALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU".

Paraphrased: I WENT TO COLLEGE AND YOU'RE PROBLY STILL IN MIDDLE SCHOOL YOU CHILDISH FANBOY, SHUT UP KIDDIE CUZ I'M SMARTER THAN YOU ARE. (Ironically, I was rated as having college-level reading comprehension by the time I DID get into middle school.)

Quoted: "TAKING THE NUMBERS THAT WERE PROVIDED TO ME. BY THE PERSON WHO STARTED THE ARGUEMENT WITH ME." Only you didn't, or you never would have made the ridiculous "6 million" claim. Oh wait, you can't be bothered to spend any time looking up any actual facts when you can just SPECULATE and magically your speculations are sound basis for an argument to blow him away.

"AND SHOWING SAID PERSON THAT THEY DO NOT SUPPORT THE CLAIM MADE." After you'd doctored them up with your ridiculous predictions, which you now claim/admit were made from a standpoint of near-total ignorance.

If you are completely ignorant on a subject, why are you making predictions about that subject, especially when they are wildly in contrast with the predictions of those who are NOT ignorant? and why the HELL do you then consider yourself qualified to tear apart the arguments and predictions of others who cannot possibly be any MORE ignorant than you?

By this point it seems that you're actually mocking me for having superior knowledge of the subject, which I don't understand at all.

As for the "not a fanboy, just ignorant" defense: see second paragraph.

As for why I jumped into this: I don't like it when people make mistakes like you did. It's in my nature to correct them. I guess it annoys you to be corrected, but I try to think of the people who are grateful that they can move forward and be correct -- and less ignorant -- in the future. I am usually more polite, but you don't really deserve the circumspection.

Tag (courtesy of fkusumot): "Please feel free -- nay, I encourage you -- to offer rebuttal."
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My advice to fanboys: Brag about stuff that's true, not about stuff that's false. Predict stuff that's likely, not stuff that's unlikely. You will be happier, and we will be happier.

"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts." - Sen. Pat Moynihan
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The old smileys: ; - ) : - ) : - ( : - P : - D : - # ( c ) ( k ) ( y ) If anyone knows the shortcut for , let me know!
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I have the most epic death scene ever in VGChartz Mafia.  Thanks WordsofWisdom!