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Farsala said:

Will THQ ever recover? I thought Darksiders 2 did well.

I'm not sure Farsala.

Last July, their stock was worth .57 dollars a share, and on the 9th the stock was reverse-split 10 to 1 to 5.50$ a share. Now, the stock's value is getting closer to becoming a penny stock again after the reverse-split. When that happens I believe there is no saving the stock, they will have to get out of the stock market.

Darksiders II sold a little over a million units (assuming digital sales), which is right around what its predecessor sold according to vgchartz, but the numbers for the original on PS3 amount to 0, which makes no sense. Overall the 2nd one seems to have sold the same if not less than its predecessor, so for a new series that should grow from one installment to the next, especially with sales of around 1mil, it's not looking so healthy. It isn't bad, but it isn't great (enough to save them).

This post might give you some answers:

RVDondaPC said:
happydolphin said:
Ail said:

They have no strong in company IP.

Whereas even if TTWO totally failed with their next releases their IP alone provide a good floor for the stock price ( GTA + Red Dead Redemption + BioShock + Borderlands together would be worth close to 1 billion$ in a fire sale..)

That's a good point. Darksiders is their strongest IP, and it needs good flooring by other IPs, so that says alot. I have hope that Jason Rubin can bolster THQ's IPs, but on the short term the stock looks bleak.

THQ will go bankrupt in the early years of the next generation of consoles if they don't establish a new homerun IP. They are essentially a distribution channel for developers/IP holders in an industry which developers no longer need to rely on a company with a big established distribution channel. They have no real value and their attempt to create new IP that they own is too little too late, I think. Their only IP is Saints Row, Company of Heroes(Which I loved), Red Faction, Homefront and Darksiders. I'd say only Saints Row and Company of Heroes has any real value though. You never know maybe they'll create the next big franchise, but I wouldn't put a dollar on that stock. Fingers crossed Metro: Last Light is well received. 

I don't think they will recover.