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Like finding out that someone born in the 90's attends my university (apparently in Russia, you graduate high school at 16), hearing that someone was born after the SNES was released scares the crap out of me. But then I have to realize: I started posting on forums when I was 15. Do some math, and 2007 - 15 = 1992. The world is growing up. It's scary. A new generation of small people who are going to annoy the crap out of me until they grow up in a few years and learn that chokers don't look good on *everything,* are just now discovering the internet. I'm old. Maybe that's what my receding hairline is trying to tell me. On topic: how up-to-date is current data? I doubt GC will overtake Xbox sales overall, but considering that GC is still selling at, what, 20K units a month? It just might close the gap to the point of insignificance, if Nintendo is really lucky. Not that it matters... that's just some minutia at this point: what really matters is what's happening with Wii. I feel like wareagle was just born, and it's 199X again, and I'm busy pissing myself because I thought I beat Gannon, but he sent me to this scary-ass place where I'm a bunny, and giant cyclopses are throwing bombs at me.