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FunKrusher said:
Auron said:
FunKrusher said:
Auron said:
Omac said:
darthdevidem01 said:

HALO 3 appeals to a WIDER Demographic than GT5 & FFXIII


GT series has never sold below 9 million (peaking at 15 million) & FF never below 5 million (peaking at 10 million)

It's quite obvious GT as a series is bigger than

You smoking crack?

And you are too big of a Halo fanboy to realise that he is right. Numbers don't lie, back under your bridge troll.

I love when you say something and someone calls you a fanboy not knowing anything about you or your background. Hey genuis' I don't even like HALO. I'm into COD4 though if you must know. So there's something you just learned about me. See the problem with the internet is you try and being insulting or funny. And sure it may come off as funny or insulting to you or your e-flunky followers. But an insult without claim or merit to back it isn't at insult it's just ignorance. There you go you just learned something else. I'm giving out gold stars if you can apply and use this knowledge correctly next time.

But back to the matter on hand it was ignorant on my part to put that up there with out checking actual numbers and sales data, and doing all that cool internet tech savy you guys do. My bad. I will infact retract that statement. But assuming you read (because it's apparent you didn't comprehend what was written). I was saying that these franchise WILL NOT CAUSE A HUGE SPIKE IN SALES FOR THE PS3 TO MAKE IT CATIPULT FROM 7million to 17MILLION SYSTEMS SOLD UPON THEIR RELEASE.

I put it in bold for you. Take some time read it and digest it. And I stand buy that. The numbers you guys listed were on a system that had what? Over 100million users as a fanbase? Okay maybe not that much over their first releases but the Ps2 at the time of FFX-XII and MGS3 and GTA3-4 clearly had more than 20 million users.So let's apply those numbers here? Are those the current Sales-TO-Life date? Cool let's use them to help me make my point. if I'm looking at the numbers for those past games. And looking at the install numbers for the Ps3 NOW (in bold again for the comprehensively challenged). That means in order for any of those games on their release to sell those numbers EVERYONE (in bold again) who owns a Ps3 will be buying those games.Now sure that can happen? But the probability of it happening? You do the math.So I've spelled it out for you. I could make a witty comment about you guys being too much of Ps3 fanboys to have read and comprehended this or my previous post. But I'll let what I just posted speak for itself.Go ahead refute that. And please feel free to ad more nonsensical witty, attempt at hurting e-feelings comments. I need a few more laughs. Time is yours.

What is this your alt account or did you think i was talking to you when my comments are towards Omac and not you. If this is your alt nice to know that you troll on at least two accounts. How about you find something better to do with your time? Now you talk about the PS3 numbers now well GT is not coming out NOW is it? Next GT didn't sell that amount in one day but over the generation. Now if you are Omac then my comments stand. If you are not well then i guess you can join him under the bridge.

Hey genius! Yeah I thought those comments were directed towards me. Being I was the one that initially said that HALO 3 has a higher casual install base than those franchises. And read your comments and others comments labelling me a Halo3 fanboy.

Wow you're telling me that I can go hide under a bridge implying I'm a troll? Wait so backing up your arguement or any arguement in a detailed thought out manner explaining your views with no hints of fanboyism at all makes you a troll!?!?!?! Actually I will personally fly to where ever you are and hand you 10k in USD cash if you can find ANY fanboyism in the previous post that I have written (examples: saying another system sucks or is clearly showing an irrational bias towards one system or not).

Okay, I think we need to make a petition for people who have reading and comprehension problems. We need to get the kids the help they need. It'll help them out in the grand scheme of things.

You're so quick to come off on here and make yourself pretty much look like a donkey's arse with no claim what-so-ever or foundation to stand on.

Dude if you actually read and COMPREHENDED what I said, I already made your point that THOSE WERE LIFETIME SALES TO THOSE GAMES. I already talked about how THERE'S NO WAY TO TELL WHAT THE INSTALL BASE WILL BE WHEN THEY COME OUT. And in trying to be comedian you just made my point so if those are lifetime sales on a system that has 100million+ User base. And most of those games Have 6million LIFETIME SALES.


But that wasn't my point. We'll get back to this let's just call it POINT A.

The main point being which was I (as in me not your e-nemesis or whoever else you were talking to). Was *drum roll*


So let's break this down before you once again fail to read and PROCESS (ie: COMPREHEND) actually what's being said here.Space provided to help you maybe understand better. 1. None of those games on the list THE ONE YOU PROVIDED have sold 10million + in their lifetime2. To date there are roughly 7 million Ps3s that are out in the world with that number increasing even as we speak3. If any of those titles are made available within the next 1-2 years (which we ASSUME they will be). and we Project that the Ps3 sells another 3million hell let's say 4 million systems in that time frame. That would put it's install base at 11million total.
4. That means in order for the Ps3 to at least sell on the level at the 360 (and we're assuming that that stops selling largely as well. Let's give the 360 a install base of 19 million. Leaving an 8 million gap)5. Refering to POINT A (if only 6% of 11million user base games buy those games. all based on the performance that they have shown in the past) that means they will sell 660,000k I REPEAT FOR THE COMPRHENSIVELY CHALLENGED 660,000k.All this information is taken directly from things you've posted and implied. Now I've laid it all out for you. Very simple to follow. It's up to you to do the rest.
Now of course this all just speculation and who's to say what could happen. But like I said originallyTHOSE GAMES WILL NOT CAUSE THE PS3 SALES TO SPIKE FROM 9 MILLION TO 17-18 MILLION IN A YEAR, OR EVEN 2-3 YEARS. Well probably in 2 years it could actually.Even if it did 6% of let's say 18 MILLION is ONLY 1.08 MILLION.Now just for farts and laughs we could make the arguement that HALO3 with 5million sold on a system with 16 million install base has sold to 30% of the EXISTING USER BASE. I'm no mathematician but 30% is a lot higher than 6%. These are actual RIGHT NOW NUMBERS. But you probably already knew that, being that you're a genius and all. And according to your "non-fanboy" inspired post you said that those franchises selling 6million lifetime totals on a system that has 100million+ users, have a bigger user bases than Halo3 RIGHT NOW (YOUR EXACT WORDS) selling 5million total to date sales on a system with 16 million users. I'd say we need to get you some math lessons too.Hey genius maybe instead of spending so much time on here you need to get yourself over to and try some READING & COMPREHENSION exercises.It'll save you the embarassment of not knowing what it is your talking about when you're trying to throw insults around.I'm backing up my arguements with math, logic, data (some which you yourself provided) and presenting.How about you?So who's the fanboy again? And for the record I don't like Halo, I prefer COD4

Do we still get the $10,000 if we find fanboyism in THIS post? (Irrational bias against a system)

1. None of those games on the list THE ONE YOU PROVIDED have sold 10million + in their lifetime
Games listed: GT series, FF series
Gran Turismo: 10.85m
Gran Turismo 3: A-Spec: 14.87m
Gran Turismo 4 (Including GT4 Prologue): 10.23m
Final Fantasy VII (Including FFVII International): 10.31m
So, lies or ignorance. Since you later use another user's 10m+ numbers without complaint, I'll let you claim ignorance.

2. To date there are roughly 7 million Ps3s that are out in the world with that number increasing even as we speak
VGChartz front page: 9.76m
Since you later claim ignorance as to this fact, I'm going to be charitable and call you an idiot.

3. If any of those titles are made available within the next 1-2 years (which we ASSUME they will be). and we Project that the Ps3 sells another 3million hell let's say 4 million systems in that time frame. That would put it's install base at 11million total.
Let's be charitable and change this prediction to "4m in one year". You are predicting something like a 50%
drop in sales from 2007. That is unrealistically bad. To the point of lies or ignorance.

4. That means in order for the Ps3 to at least sell on the level at the 360 (and we're assuming that that stops selling largely as well. Let's give the 360 a install base of 19 million. Leaving an 8 million gap)
To be fair, you also say that 360 sales will die as well, which is also stupid.

5. Referring to POINT A (if only 6% of 11million user base games guy those games. all based on the performance that they have shown in the past) that means they will sell 660,000k

From "POINT A": And most of those games Have 6million LIFETIME SALES.
Sales of the named series on 100m+ selling systems:
Gran Turismo: GT-10.85, GT2-9.37, GT3AS-14.87, GT4-8.87 or 10.23 including Prologue Hmm, I see a pattern here. That pattern is ABOVE 9 MILLION IN SALES.
Final Fantasy: VII-10.31, VIII-7.86, IX-[edit: 5.3], X-7.91 or 8.22 including International, X-2-5.21, XI doesn't count, XII-[edit: 5.12] The pattern here is [edit: GONE].
So, [edit: omfg he wasn't too far off on calling 6m median, my face is now officially red].
: : Your point about the smaller user base is at least BASED on reality, but you ignore two things, the first one being that the userbase will also increase over time, making your "6% of 11m at launch" invalid not only in the 6% and the 11m but also in the "at launch" UNLESS you compare it to the previous games versus userbase at game launch. For instance, FFX's would be 11-27m PS2s at launch due to staggered game launch. I would not say this kind of comparison is very useful (FF lifetime sales seem to ignore at-game-launch userbase quite nicely) but it's better than just IGNORING it. Or are you only interested in what the games will sell in their first year, in which case: Why the hell are you discussing lifetime sales at all; and Of course Halo wins but that's 'cause it's so frontloaded.
: : The second thing your point ignores is that it is a well-known fact that games on less-successful systems have sales that are higher in proportion to userbase. This is because the more-successful systems (PS1, PS2, Wii) are the "big tent" system that draws in all (or most) kinds of gamers while the less-successful systems have to fall back on their core constituencies. If there are 5 types of games being made for 5 types of gamers on 5 million systems, they are going to have lower attach rates (say 20%) than 2 types of games made for 2 types or gamers on 2 million systems (say 50%). This is why few are predicting (5.91/21.51=27.5) 41 million Galaxy sales even if the Wii reaches 150 million.

In short: You either don't have a good grasp at all on the subject you are lecturing others on [edit: among other things, you were wrong on almost every sales figure you mentioned] and insulting them for not understanding, or are consciously or subconsciously biasing your analysis to make the PS3 look bad. Do I win the prize?

P.S. On the other hand, "660,000k" -- or 6.6 million -- isn't a bad prediction for lifetime GT5 sales considering the lower PS3 user base.

Tag (courtesy of fkusumot): "Please feel free -- nay, I encourage you -- to offer rebuttal."
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My advice to fanboys: Brag about stuff that's true, not about stuff that's false. Predict stuff that's likely, not stuff that's unlikely. You will be happier, and we will be happier.

"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts." - Sen. Pat Moynihan
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The old smileys: ; - ) : - ) : - ( : - P : - D : - # ( c ) ( k ) ( y ) If anyone knows the shortcut for , let me know!
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I have the most epic death scene ever in VGChartz Mafia.  Thanks WordsofWisdom!