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cusman said:
Player1x3 said:
I got my ass whooped hard on vita version. Sony gave me a middle finger by giving me VITA code, so i could play it together with other 6 people in the world that got it... it took ages to form a match. PS3 version is no doubt better. Altho, Radec is definitely annoying and overpowered

I tried the Beta on both the PS3 and PSV.

In my view all their polish has gone into the PS3, while the PSV was full of defects and issues. The PSV screen is also not a good choice for this game because everything in the game is too dang small on there. The 3DS will have a really hard time pulling off Smash Bros if screen size even with Vita larger screen makes otherwise good game sooo poor in comparison.

The controls also don't map across exactly since only two shoulder buttons on PSV so you have to tap the screen to pick up and use items... and this is a crazy fast game... too fast and chaotic.

Is it just me or does it seem like there are significant balance issues in the game between characters? Smash Bros each character encouraged different play styles and all stayed competitive if used right. I don't have a good sense of that yet in PSASBR... single plane levels are also basically like new skinned levels rather than the kind of unique feel levels in Smash Bros had requiring stage specific strategies. Some people were definitely playing better/owning the rest... but it was more fighting game control dexterity than Smash Bros playing smarter.

I can't say that at any point I had "fun" in the beta... I would need to play it couch multiplayer. With random people online it was all meaningless chaos. Made worse on the PSV with the crappy online and weird bugs like you pick Sly Cooper but end up in online match with Kratos and every player is Kratos and you can't tell which one is you cause they all look the same. Plenty of games dropping, with no host switching taking place. Why exactly you have to pick your character before you even know who your opponents are or what they are picking doesn't make sense either... who the hell plays any game online where they pick their character first and then go into auto-match making? I mean even shooters with the different load-outs and classes... you choose all that crap while you are in the match-making lobby and can change things between death/respawns. Why can't a group just keep playing rounds together instead of the way they have it implemented... people expecting an overall high review super successful game will be sorely disappointed.

I think if Nintendo really wants to have 3DS Smash Bros and Wii U Smash Bros with some synergy between them... it will be a long time before that game is ready for release. Having played the PSV version and seeing how poor it is... I kind of wish that SuperBot had just concentrated on PS3 version and not get diverted with PSV support which is meaningless if its broken.

I tried the BETA on both the PSV and PS3.

I have no idea what you are talking about. The Vita version IS the PS3 version, you do realize both systems play together online? It is the exact same so I have no idea how you have the understanding it isn't polished while the PS3 one is. Now that's fine if you have that opinion about the screen. I disagree with it, but an opinion can't be wrong.

The Vita has one less button, big deal. Tapping the touch screen is perfect because there is no need to press the action buttons while picking up an object.

Everyone is complainging about Kratos, Radec, Sly, Sweet Tooth, and The Rapa being over powered so obviously it has more to do with playstyle than the game. Plus this is a beta so something like this is expected. I feel like they are all balanced but that's just an opinion. Level complaining, really? This beta only has two levels. I don't even need to explain how wrong you are about that. I think with your "playing smarter" comment you are meaning this game isn't like smash which is true, or do you actually think the winners just know what buttons do combos?

This is a BETA! Almost every feature has been removed so that the focus is on the servers. I got a glitch where I played against two non moving characters and at the end of the match I had the option to fight another round by pressing triangle. That in itself is proof the final game has many features not shown in the BETA. Apart from you most reviews are very solid so expecting a good meta is realistic.

Superbot didn't touch the Vita game. It is a direct port by a different studio. PSV is the preffered platform to play this beta on for a lot of people by the way, just saying.