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There are over 20 games coming to Nintendo’s new console at launch in less than 30 days. The lineup is pretty damn spectacular. It can get pretty damn confusing choosing between which titles you should get right away, and which you should wait for a price drop on.

This list is just our opinion of the top games releasing during the Wii U’s November 18 launch. This doesn’t include titles like Assassn’s Creed III (Nov. 30) that ship later than launch day. Nintendo Land isn’t included because it is bundled with the most popular Wii U SKU, the Deluxe Set. Chances are that if you’re buying a Wii U on November 18, you’re likely getting Nintendo Land too.

In addition to these games we think you should purchase there also are some games you’d be best to avoid for particular reasons and we’ll outline them here too.

If you needed any tips on which games will best to play on your brand new HD Nintendo system you need look no further.

Games to avoid because of quality, lack of features

Sports fans should steer clear of Madden 13. The game lacks some of the features from the 360/PS3 version, and doesn’t have the “Infinity” engine. The “Infinity” engine provides brand new physics that alter animations. This is a glaring oversight by EA and there really is no excuse.

No one thinks the Wii U can’t handle Madden NFL, so for EA to not include this new physics engine it pretty much scratches the game off any sports fan’s shopping list. And forgive us if Funky Barn doesn’t look like the most compelling experience in video game history.

Games to avoid because of inevitable price drops soon after launch

Tank! Tank! Tank! should also be avoided. Even though the game doesn’t boast very good graphics for a next-gen game it does look like a lot of fun.

That said, I think everyone knows this game will not do so well at retail. It could be an absolute blast to play but it likely won’t command it’s $49.99 price point past Christmas.

Additionally, 007 Legends isn’t receiving the best review scores. Poor reviews usually hurt a game’s sales leading to price drops shortly after release. This goes double for the Wii U version of the game because it will have to compete with Black Ops 2 on day one.

Legends could be a good game to purchase if you can overlook it’s flaws, but you better believe it won’t push many copies on the Wii U’s small launch day user base. I’d expect this title to drop from it’s $59.99 price within weeks of release.

Games to buy on day one

New Super Mario Bros U is a solid buy for any gamer. The game features a world map that has more in common with Super Mario World, new power-ups like the Squirrel suit and 5 player asymmetric multiplayer.

In addition to that it has new modes to extend your play time. Level design is guaranteed to be great because this is a Nintendo platformer. And since it’s a first party Mario game you know the price won’t drop below it’s launch price for years to come.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 2
plays in 720p HD on Wii U unlike the other console versions. It supports the Wii remote and nunchuck, the Pro controller as well as off-TV play.

Black Ops 2 looks like it is bringing some serious changes to the COD formula. The multiplayer will surely be addicting like it always is, and the game now features a Zombie mode campaign. If you’re a shooter fan Black Ops 2 should be in your Wii U on November 18.

Scribblenauts Unlimited is the most fleshed out version of the award-winning, innovative franchise from 5th Cell yet. The Wii U version features Nintendo characters from Mario and Zelda. It runs in full native 1080p at 60fps. The possibilities and replay value are endless with a game like this. While you could wait for the game to drop a bit from it’s $59.99 price point it looks like it will be entirely worth every penny you spend on it.

Sport’s fans should look into NBA 2K13 for their fantasy sports itch. Not only is the game the same version as on the 360/PS3, but it features some creative looking Wii U exclusive features. This is the first time a 2K NBA game hasn’t been a massive downgrade on a Nintendo console.

NBA 2K13 is one of the best sports games in years so as long as you’re a basketball fan you should have this game in your Wii U collection. That said, the game will likely see a $20 or $30 price drop in the early months of 2013 so if you can wait you may be able to score it at a discount.

Batman Arkham City is one of the best single-player games of all-time. Despite the Wii U version not having too much in the way of impressive exclusive features it is still a game you should add to your library if you don’t have it already. The Wii U version comes with all the content in the $50 GOTY version on 360/PS3 plus Wii U Game Pad features.

Sonic All-Stars Racing Transformed is a great purchase for Wii U launch day buyers at $39.99. Not only does the Nintendo version of the racer feature exclusive characters, 5 player local multiplayer but it also has a compelling online component. Sega’s new racer is shaping up nicely and should be a great game to tide you over until Nintendo releases Mario Kart 8 on the Wii U.

Honorable mention (Games worth purchasing day one): Darksiders 2, Mass Effect 3, FIFA 13.

Those are just a few of the games we think are worth purchasing on day one for the Wii U. There are some games you should avoid altogether, and others that you should purchase at some point but wait for a price drop.

What do you are guys picking up with your Wii U’s? Leave a comment below to let us know!