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happydolphin said:
darkknightkryta said:
happydolphin said:

Okay, but then how much of the HD twin total do you attribute to tradcore? Without kinect+move the total sales are 119m (just recalculated). So how much of that was for tradcore?

70+ million.

So going through the logic with you, assuming that 70m+ was spoils from the PS2, then that would mean there is at best 84m casual/non-gamer sales on PS2 (total is 154m).

My brain is melting at this point, but that's where I got.

Yes!  But like I said before, we'll never truly know what the ratio really is.  Best you can really do is look at the top series on the PS2, get the top numbers from them and you'll get a rough guess of the amount of "core" gamers out there for the console (20 million to Gran Theft Auto, 15 to Gran Turisimo, 8 million to Metal Gear, etc).  Now with that said, all 3 consoles made "new" gamers which is why the number is higher, but those "new" gamers are attached to the red ocean,  not blue.  Difference now is that 3 consoles have almost equal share of the pie vs 80% to the PS2. 

Edit: There might even be less gamers taking into consideration there are most likely more multiplatform holders this gen than last.  Which makes you think, did gaming grow this gen?