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Nem said:

I dont see why religion needs to be treated differently from any other human behaviour situation, nor do i personally see how knowing more into the tales or narrative as you like to put it, can have any relevant information that would alter the logic presented. I am sure the stories are very colorful, but nothing of what is written in it can be presented as evidance of god's existance, because it cant be proven. I would love for god to exist, but i just dont see how its possible.

This is not about how the story got to the god, but where the story came from in the first place. That is the proof and rationale to me. Because theres really no reason to believe it. Asking me to make a clean slate analysis, or in other words an exception for this one case really isnt acceptable either, because it wont get me any closer to the truth. On the contrary, it would create a bias. I do not indulge in lieing to myself. Would love for god to exist, if he could exist. Given he obviously doesnt, we really just have to accept the facts of the world we live in, as cruel as they may be.

You don't know the narratives and you don't understand their origins, yet you claim to disprove the Greek mythology from within its narrative. You also claim to find proof in the origin of the stories (where they came from) without having knowledge on them (or so it seems).

From that vantage point, you appear to me as both a hypocrite and a liar. Either that or you are simply biased or terribly confused. Sounds cruel, but it isn't. It's reality. And I would be sad to see you grow up a bitter man hostile to religion because you were too biased to see the reality of things (i.e. that you haven't disproven anything substantial).

Otherwise, you know something about the religions of which you claim to be so certain of their falsehood, but are hiding that knowledge from me. But even if you were hiding that knowledge from me, your blurring them together into one meltingpot, and then your denial of the importance of the differences in their narratives and origins renders that benefit of the doubt void.