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pezus said:
curl-6 said:
pezus said:

What matters in the end are the games, and I don't see why Nintendo couldn't have innovated with them just as well without the Wiimote. To me, most of their biggest and best games seemed to be trying too hard to implement it without it adding much to the experience. I wouldn't be against no Kinect and no Move either really. Not much good has come from that.


Wii Sports/Resort/Play/Party, Mario Kart Wii, Mario Galaxy 1 & 2, Zelda Skyward Sword and Twilight Princess, Metroid Prime 3, all are among the Wii's biggest and/or best and are significantly enhanced by the Wiimote control scheme.



Oh, come might have a point with the others but Mario Galaxy did definitely not need it. Zelda is debatable but it seemed perfectly fine without it, and many complained about the motion controls in SS.

Mario Galaxy may not have NEEDED it, in the same way that Halo 4 didn't NEED better graphics than Halo 3, but they certainly helped. Shaking to smack enemies or propel Mario into the air was very satisfying, while things like using the pointer to pull him between stars, fling him from pods, and blow him around in a bubble, and tilt to maneuver a rolling ball / stingray added variety and challenge. It would still be a great game without them, but definitely not AS great.

Similar story with Twilight Princess, mostly in terms of the superiority of pointer aiming over analogue.

People complained about motion controls in SS because frankly some people just don't like motion controls period. The game certainly couldn't have been pulled off anywhere near as well without motion. The immersion of slicing the sword in different directions with your own movements (and cool touches like bowling bombs) was a big part of why it was so good.