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Play4Fun said:


At a time when the cost and time of developing games are high, the industry should ignore a a segment of the market because you think they should be catering only to your demographic and not the 'evil' casuals that are brining so much money to industry.

Money, I should add that goes toward development of those 'non-casual' games you think is the only software the industry should be making.

But does it? I asked for a minority effort to capture the red ocean, as you say inject the funds into 'non-casual' games, and I hear the same old drone rhetoric of "Why waste money on those when the casual games make more"?

Remind me guys, is a market only there to maximize profit, or is it existentially also there to provide a value (in this occurrence compelling content to a specific segment, those who desire deeper experiences, more inspired art design and ultra-high quality software)?

I think that's the key point that Sony and Microsoft fans appreciate, but Nintendo fanboys (in general, I'm not targetting anyone here) don't. Nintendo fans do though, imho.