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Nem said:
Player1x3 said:

You're sad. You're just really really sad. This thread was never about God's existence nor if religion and religious people are bad, yet you constantly bitched about that and kept attacking people (aka DISCRIMINATING) against them based on their religion, but your ego is so out of touch that it will do anything to protect itself so you think the others are actually discriminating. The real question is, DID YOU read the topic? Because the VAST MAJORITY of people here (both religious and irreligious) have said NO to the OP so i really don't see any ignorance and discrimination here (aside from yours of course). But you still felt the urge to come here attacking and flaming other people and calling them ignorant and discriminatory. Hypocrisy and irony at their finest ! Not surprisingly, people like you are very often associated with these attributes. And please, how did you disprove ANYTHING here, im dying to know???? You offered, by far, the absolutely worst arguments i have ever read in these kinds of (off) topics.

Are you joking? The post above yours says it all.

If you also read my original quote you would also understand why things took the turn they did. Its funny how you claim to be a victim while considering to abort a child over its sexual orientation. Just the very thought, angers me enough to write volumes over how retarded religion is.

Are you either blind, illiterate or both? Where the fuck have i said i vas victim or that i would consider aborting a child over it's sexuality ??? All i said was that high majority of people in this thread said NO to the op question, so i really don't see where you got your ''religious discrimination bullshit. Maybe out of your biased hateful disrespectful ass?

And just cause you cant recognise it, doest mean im attacking you. Another characteristic of religious people is thinking that cause they got a faith, no one can question it. Wrong buddy.Yet this thread was never about questioning someones faith, it was about moral stance on abortion and sexuality.Not on whether or not God is real But i guess you're too ignorant and hateful to grasp that. Someone having different belief than you must drive your arrogant, megalomaniacal, fundamentalist ass insane so you have to let everyone else here know how superior your heavenly intellect and views and how everyone else's is a complete crap, just because you, the unquestionable absolute master of the universe disagree with it. If you were not ready to hear the truth, the way it really is, maybe you shouldnt be reading my posts nor be in a forum. I don't know how to make this clear enough. Your posts are the biggest bullshit arguments i have ever read in my entire life and are possibly the furthest possible thing from the truth ever to be typed by a human hand. I've heard some good points from atheist side on this very forum, but yours cant be even remotely considered to be anywhere near a good argument  Also your case is terrible, you basically behave like zombies.Thats cute. And you're all pasty, overfed, underfucked, greasy , self loathing, arrogant, ''i got fucked by a priest'' egoistical, neck bearded mom's basement dwellers. Hooray for insulting generalizations and attacks! There is no proof and no logic to the existance of god, yet you let religious talk dictate your life, just like the charlattons that started it intendedThere are certainly tons of logical theories that lead to the existence of God, im just not going to discuss them here (not with you anyway). It is off topic and has nothing to do with the OP.

The only reason this thread was ever created and this question was posed was religion. If there was no religion this question wouldnt even be asked as no one would be thinking about the possibility.Yet there are people in this very thread who said they weren't religious and still choose 'yes' option...Guess reading sentences isn't your strong point. Religion condemns same sex relation. did you know same sex relations werent something that just started nowadays? It existed back  in greece and Rome. Back then it wasnt questionable and people wouldnt kill over it.Great...except that once again, I'd have to point to the fact that majority of religious people here said no to the question. Once again, you're grasping at straws just so you can have something to hate against religion. Also what about the Roman and greek gods? Were they all lies? What makes your one god any more believable? The fact it requires less blind-faith? Or the fact that science managed to prove how these aspects behaved in a logic way?1. Learm the difference between pantheism and monotheism/deism and then come back before trying to appear clever, kid. BTW, my views on God are deistic, not biblical. What happens to your God once we prove that there was no ulterior force behind creation?2.Oh you mean your ''everything came out of nothing'' nonsense ? Yeah, that's kinda already been disproven by both logic and science .The level of intelligence in both your belief and the ancient roman and greek on their own time is exactly the same. You dont understand it, thus it must be a God.3.Oh, no, I'll gladly accept every new scientific theory / fact supported by evidence, i just don't think they in any way disprove the existence of a higher power. Your brain makes these links cause if gives everything a cause and for what it doesnt have enough information, it creates a story that will make it believable.

I don't even know why i bothered responding to the last 3 points. I won't justify my beliefs and views to a person such as yourself any further, tho i have no doubt that you're gonna respond to them (after all, your sole purpose in this thread is to flame and insult people 's beliefs) you just won't be getting a new reply from me on them, so don't bother typing

I am sad to say, but religion only exists cause people are not well informed enough and their brain makes a fairy tale for them.
