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It has a chance at GotY, especialy because their is not that much competition this year... Looks like AC3 also has a shot.

When it comes to the metascore, their is NO WAY it will get 97... That's Mario Galaxy high. My prediction, 88 at worst, 93 at best. It's hard to take metascore seriously anymore, epecialy when it comes to highly anticipated exclusives because of fanboyisim and like you said hit hungry reviewers.

Altho I do predict a high review score, I predict a bad user score (in the 70s) because of a) Troll fanboys, and b) because of Halo fanboys with so high expectation that they will bitch about anything that changed or not perfect (remember Diablo3?) Cant wait for these overdramatic articles about how that new studio (cant remember their name) killed the franchise lol :P


What?! I can't hear you over all this awsome! - Pyrrhon (Kid Icarus:Uprising)

Final Ultimate Legendary Earth Power Super Max Justice Future Miracle Dream Beautiful Galaxy Big Bang Little Bang Sunrise Starlight Infinite Fabulous Totally Final Wonderful Arrow...FIRE! - Wonder-Red (The Wonderful101)