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I predict Halo 4 will be a great game, sell great and win numerous awards, controversial opinion huh!...

Why the hell do people still care about Metacritic scores, you can't possibly all be stupid sheep? Do you people not understand how inaccurate that dump of a site is... If you're going to use a reviews aggregate then for goodness sake use GameRankings, that site is much more accurate and should be the more popular site, unfortunately it isn't.

And GOTY is a fabricated term that doesn't mean anything, who cares what some critics choose as their favourite game of the year, the only opinion that's important is your own. If GOTY meant the game with the highest average review score based on a set list of publications then fair enough.

The top 5 highest rated games so far this year (No handheld & sports games or indie games though Journey counts because it had a retail release) based on GameRankings averages are:

1. Journey - 92.46% (52 reviews)
2. Mass Effect 3 - 92.12% (59 reviews)
3. Guild Wars 2 - 90.89% (36 reviews)
4. Borderlands 2 - 90.18% (37 reviews)
5. Dishonored - 89.53% (31 reviews)

I think Halo 4 and maybe Assassin's Creed 3 will make it into the top 5. I'm not interested in AC3 and I've never been a Halo fan but Halo 4 is looking really good, it's easily the most ambitious game in the series and a huge evolution since the last Halo release, I'm looking forward to the game and think it will be one of the most acclaimed games this year unless the game fails to meet up to the insane amount of hype.

This year has been pretty dreadful for quality game releases but next year will definitely be the best this generation. I think developers are going all out next year to end this generation with a bang before the PS4 and NextBox arrive in 2014 (I think xmas 2013 is possible for the NextBox).